BangBros Bought The PornWikiLeaks Site And Literally Burned It Down To Protect Performers

From XBiz:

BangBros has reportedly acquired and incinerated what it claims are the hard drives containing all the website’s data.

PornWikiLeaks surfaced in 2010-11 publishing performer data that included real names and other personal details. The site reportedly built its database from a security breach at Adult Industry Medical, the talent testing facility that preceded Free Speech Coalition’s current PASS system.

To break that down a little, “Adult Industry Medical” (AIM) was a Los Angeles based HIV testing clinic & healthcare foundation funded by and serving the adult film industry. In 2010 they came under scrutiny because apparently they had a practice of disclosing highly confidential HIV & STD test results to porn producers ($$ for a price $$) in order for the performers to be cleared to work, which others claimed violated HIPPA laws. (Side note – yes, I too noticed the parrot just chillin’ at the AIM clinic in the photo above.)

Then, in 2011 “Adult Industry Medical” got hacked & had a privacy breach that released the private, personal data of over 12,000 porn performers. Cue the PornWikiLeaks site where they were all then doxxed & had their info publicly posted… Really gross, shady stuff.

It’s not really surprising, but apparently the site was a bastion for hateful, creepy neckbeards who loved posting threatening, terrible things, so it had to be a scary, sick feeling to know your info was out in the open for them, and anyone, to see. This isn’t something that even needs to be said because it should go without saying, but porn stars deserve privacy in their personal lives, too.

Thanks to BangBros (never thought I’d type that), if you go to the PornWikiLeaks site now, this is all you’ll see:

And if you click to see what they did with the PornWikiLeaks data, it takes you here where they set the data drives ablaze:

So well done BangBros for taking out the trash. A true bastion of ethics… (Just FYI, don’t, uh, rent your house out to them)…

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